Game by Sofa People

Grab your trusty shovel and prepare for pain! You are a young promising botanist with a passion for plants and a curiosity for the unknown. A plant worshipping cult has been doing suspicious activities in an abandoned wine cellar and you have decided to investigate. To your horror, you find mutated cultists that have turned into dangerous plant based beasts! So take your descent into the old wine cellar and smash every cultist or plant monster you can find, the fate of humanity is in your soil covered hands….

Game Idea
We wanted to make a Gauntlet-like game, with more fast paced combat including a dodge roll and lots of juicy effects. We wanted the theme to be Lovecraftian, and we thought about doing something post-apocalyptic or alien related, but eventually settled into a theme of a cult that turns people into mutated plant monsters. Our original plan was to have the main character be an old man, but later decided to have him be young and attractive. We also wanted to do a boss fight originally, but eventually decided against is because of scope issues, and instead focused on the core gameplay.
After we had decided on the basic idea and theme, we started working on the basic mechanics and pixel art for the background and the character, as well as implementing the first enemy designs. Our workflow mainly consisted of quick bursts of progress, when lots of stuff was implemented in a short period of time.
The artists were consistently working on new art assets and animations, while our main programmer was working hard on implementing all the things. We also had a couple jam sessions, one of which was in person a few days before the final presentations which is when we implemented lots of things like the score system, treasure, power ups, online leaderboard etc. The team was also working very hard the night before the presentations, polishing the game and making more levels.
Overall the whole team was very passionate about the project and wanted to make something fun and over the top with epic animations and effects and an amazing game feel.
Download it HERE
Onni Lahti: Lead Programmer
Rama Hannula: VFX, SFX, Programming, Animation
Axel Kulomaa: Environments, Props, Level Design
Eemeli Mäntylä: Character Design, Animation
Umut Soydan: Illustrations, Art Directing, Animation