Corporate Fool is a colourful and cartoony, semi-isometric action / puzzle game, where you are trying to escape the shackles of employment by finding key cards within different parts of the office.
- Cartoony and colourful art style.
- Three distinct areas.
- Controller and Keyboard support
- Simple puzzle / Action Elements
Having spent the previous semester developing a game from our homes and knowing the coming project would be developed under similar circumstances, we began the project with vigorous planning sessions in order to lay a solid foundation. This foundation would prove to be vital towards the end of the project.
Despite the situation, our team did manage to develop everything we had set out to and we are happy with the end project.
Take aways the reader might find useful are as follows.
- Set guidelines for working in scenes in Unity.
- Spend time laying the groundwork for your project.
- Always remember to be empathetic and supportive towards your team mates.
Henna Ahvenniemi – Art, VFX
Lenny Smith – Project management, coding
Inka Kaasinen – Art Direction, Artist, Environmental artist.
Juho Mansikka – Coding
Jirko Haapapuro – Animations, assets, characters
Jasa Paavolainen – 3D artist, assets
Aatu Seppänen – Level Design, Game Design
Olli Heino – Music, sound effects, sound design
Playable Version